Study procedure

As part of a major study, you can take a variety of tests and questionnaires in order to assess your memory performance. With your assistance, we can test the suitability of this future tool.

  • Preparation: Explaining study procedure
  • Part 1: Testing and questionnaires
  • Break
  • Part 2: Testing and questionnaires

Taking measures such as memory exercises at an early stage can help stimulate cognitive abilities and combat loss of memory.

You will receive €20 in Sodexo vouchers and a free medical consultation for taking part in the study.

Taking part in the study will require one visit to FH JOANNEUM in Graz for a duration of 2 to 2.5 hours.

Voluntary and free participation in this study may be discontinued at any time, without giving reasons, and at no disadvantage to yourself. All personal details held on record will be anonymised.

You can reach us by calling ++43 (0)664 80453-6777 or contact us by email with questions and to register for the study.

Download the study invitation as a PDF