Multimodal screening instrument

In the SCOBES-AR research project, seven institutes of FH JOANNEUM Universtity of Applied Sciences developed the prototype of a screening tool to detect cognitive and physical limitations in older age (60+) at an early stage. On the one hand, there may be risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes, social isolation, eating habits, etc.); on the other hand, certain changes in various areas of life such as movement, the performance of everyday activities and speech may indicate a decline in cognitive functions. These changes in bodily functions are tested using the screening instrument.

Video: Overview of all test procedures of the SCOBES-AR Screening Instrument

The Institute of Business Informatics carried out the planning of the user experience, usability testing and the development of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications. In addition, an application was developed for tablet computers that visualizes the test subjects’ interactions in real time. This enables test supervisors of the screenings to assess progress in the AR and VR applications from the perspective of the test subjects. It also enables situation-specific annotation and control of the screenings.

A business model for sustainable use and integration in the healthcare system has also been developed.