Will my participation in the study take place despite COVID-19?
All dates from 03/11 onwards can unfortunately not take place due to the current regulations of the Austrian Federal Government (status 2020/05/13). The affected participants will be informed in good time if a date is cancelled. We will try to fix new dates at a later date.
I have registered for the study participation by phone or e-mail. Why have I not received an answer yet?
Due to numerous inquiries, there are currently delays in the allocation of dates. We ask for your understanding and patience if you have not yet received a response from us. We will try to process your request as soon as possible.
I am interested in participating in the study. Can I still register? (Status: 2020/03/16)
The maximum number of participants for the study has already been reached. Therefore, we are unfortunately unable to include any further interested persons in the study.
I would like to participate in the study. What criteria do I need to meet?
In order to take part in the study you must meet the following criteria:
- You are aged between 60 and 75
- You have a good command of German
Unfortunately, we cannot include you in the study if…
- You have been diagnosed with dementia or a mental illness
- You require a walking aid (e.g. walking stick or walking frame) or a wheelchair
- You suffer from impaired hearing or sight which cannot be compensated through the use of a hearing aid or glasses
Are you interested in taking part? Then register here!
Taking part in the study will require one visit to FH JOANNEUM in Graz for a duration of 2 to 2.5 hours.
Where and when is the study being undertaken?
The study is being undertaken at the FH JOANNEUM campus, Eggenberger Allee 11, 8020 Graz. If you are interested in taking part, please contact us by email, or call us on ++43 (0)664 80453-6777 to arrange a personal appointment.
I have registered for the study and cannot/do not wish to take part. What should I do?
Participation is voluntary and may be discontinued at any time, without giving reasons and at no disadvantage to yourself. All your personal data on record will be anonymised, and can be deleted upon your request. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please let us know by calling ++43 (0)664 80453-6777.
What is AR?
AR stands for Augmented Reality. The term describes a computer-aided presentation in which virtual objects are added to the real world. For example, a smartphone camera can be used to superimpose additional virtual information or objects.